| 1. | Research on the reform of engineering colleges examination 工科院校考试改革探索 |
| 2. | Research on stress among engineering college student 理工科大学生心理压力的调查研究 |
| 3. | Journal of henan mechanical and eectrical engineering college 河南机电高等专科学校学报 |
| 4. | Journal of heilongjiang hydraulic engineering college 黑龙江水专学报 |
| 5. | On quality - oriented education in engineering colleges 论理工科院校人文教育与科学教育的融合 |
| 6. | Four to one in science and engineering colleges 在理工大学男女生比例通常是四个男生比一个女生 |
| 7. | Study on the reform of basic chemistry course of engineering colleges 对高校新生入学教育的有关思考 |
| 8. | Exploration of the way to quality education in engineering colleges 工科院校素质教育实施途径的探索 |
| 9. | Beijing communication engineering college 北京信息工程学院 |
| 10. | Journal of ordnance engineering college 军械工程学院学报 |